Off-line activities and games for all ages

With assistance from Robyn Adams, Jane McKenzie
and Matt Powell
Now teachers can teach children many important topics in computer science… without using computers at all!
The Unplugged project provides teachers with off-line activities designed to let people of all ages have fun exploring some of the interesting ideas in computer science, without having to use a computer at all! The book is also an interesting introduction to the field of computer science for the lay-person.
- You can download a free PDF version of the teacher's edition, thanks to Google, from the Google educator's site (the link is at the bottom of the page)
- Tom Cortina and Tim Bell will give a talk at NECC (Atlanta, GA) about the Unplugged++ project, on 25 June 2007.
- Tim Bell will be speaking in Birmingham, Alabama on 27 June, 2007.
- Unplugged now has a Swedish web site hosted by Blekinge Tekniska Högskola (BTH)
- The Korean translation of the Teachers' edition is now for sale! Translations in Chinese, Swedish, Japanese and Hebrew are nearing completion.
- You can buy Unplugged T-shirts and mugs on-line.
- There are three short videos about Unplugged activities
available in Korean,
Chinese and
on Google Video.
More videos are in production.
Unplugged for Teachers
The teachers' edition of Computer Science Unplugged.
This is the most recent book, adapted from the original Unplugged book for classroom use by Robyn Adams and Jane McKenzie. Many of the activities have been revised and extended to better suit primary-aged children, and there is advice for using Unplugged activites as part of the primary school curriculum. Additionally, the book has been re-typeset, and many new illustrations have been added. It covers 12 of the 20 original activities.
- Try some sample activities.
- View the table of contents.
- Buy Computer Science Unplugged as either a printed book, or as a PDF file. (Translations to Ελληνικά, 國語 and ᄒᄀ어 are coming soon; see the page about purchasing the book for the latest information.)