Off-line activities and games for all ages

By Tim Bell,
Ian H. Witten and
Mike Fellows
With assistance from Robin Adams, Jane McKenzie
and Matt Powell
With assistance from Robin Adams, Jane McKenzie
and Matt Powell

Here are some photos from the Computer Science Unplugged shows that were given in Christchurch and Dunedin in July 1998, and from the Kidsfest 2000 show. Click on the thumbnail to open the image in a new window.

Tim demonstrates how binary numbers are stored. This is based on the first activity in the "Unplugged" book, but each child holds one of the bits, which makes for much more exciting numbers.

The audience gets enthusiastic at the sight of chocolate. The show was primarily aimed at five to twelve-year-old children, although their parents enjoyed it too!

Matt and a volunteer from the audience prepare for the "Parity Trick" (activity 4 in the book), using magnetic cards.